9/1~30 SF情報
- Barnes & Noble Booksellers Picks for September
- The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books of September 2017
- 16 science fiction and fantasy books to read this September
- All the Science Fiction and Fantasy Books to Keep on Your Radar This Fall
- All the New Fantasy Books Coming Out in September
- All the New Science Fiction Books Coming Out in September
- All the New Genre-Bending Books Coming Out in September
- This Week’s New Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books: Postapocalytpic Futures, a Robot Revolution, and a Jewel Heist in Space
- Fall 2017’s Hottest Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books: Sinkholes, Drugs, and Magic Carpets
- BOOKS: 11 Sci-fi & Fantasy New Releases for September
- The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of September: Our Top 5 Picks
- This Week’s New Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books: Murder on a Generation Ship, Stories from a Future Iraq, and Hippos on the Loose
- Humanity’s First Contact with Aliens Might Be Its Last in Gate Crashers, by Patrick S. Tomlinson
- Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy Books We Can't Wait to Read
- This Week’s New Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books: A Cyborg Romance, the Future of Global Politics, and the Return of Forgotten Beasts
Dangerous Magic: Revealing The Tangled Lands by Paolo Bacigalupi and Tobias S. Buckell
2018年夏刊行予定のメアリ・ロビネット・コワルの女性宇宙飛行士をテーマにした1950~60年代改変歴史小説。パンチカードパンクとはよくいったもの。Hidden Figuresとかハーヴァード大学天文台の女性の話(本名忘れた)とか流行っているのかね。
- Russell Letson Reviews Linda Nagata
- 'Sourdough' Rises Like A Good Loaf
- Hot Potato: Acadie by Dave Hutchinson
- Robots Wander an Apocalyptic West in Sea of Rust
- The Afterlife Goes Digital in The Uploaded
- SEA OF RUST by C. Robert Cargill
- Review of 2084: The Anthology ed. by George Sandison
- Best science fiction and fantasy books to read in September
- The Latest in Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Annalee Newitz’s provocative debut with ‘Autonomous,’ plus more sci-fi reviews
- No Thinking Thing: Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill
- Science Fiction in Arabic Literature
- Paul Di Filippo reviews James Bradley
- Acadie by Dave Hutchinson
- Book Review: Warcross by Marie Lu
- A Murder Mystery Unfolds on a Generation Ship in The Man in the Tree
- Noumenon by Marina J. Lostetter
- Null States Shows Us What the Future of Politics Means to the Present
- Degrees of Ownership: Autonomous by Annalee Newitz
- Humanizing Systems: Null States by Malka Older
- In ‘Warcross,’ Marie Lu Channels Her Video Game Past
- In A Future Ruled By Big Pharma, A Robot Tentatively Explores Freedom — And Sex: 'Autonomous'
- ‘Null States’ Maps Out the Geopolitics of Tomorrow
- Autonomous Is a Dangerously Addictive Science Fiction Debut
- Autonomous is a sharp thriller about robotic freedom and patent piracy
- Science fiction gets criminal
- The 21st-Century Fantasy Trilogy That Changed the Game
- A New Twist on Generation Ship SF Stories
- In ‘Autonomous,’ Climate Change Is a Disease Vector
- Tell Us 5 Things About Your Book: A Sequel to ‘The War of the Worlds’* Legendary Sci-Fi Author Joe Haldeman Tells the Story Behind 'The Forever War'
- Robin Sloan on his new book Sourdough, San Francisco culture, and a more optimistic Silicon Valley
- A Novel on the Rise: Robin Sloan and Kevin Nguyen Talk “Sourdough”
- William Gibson’s Archangel Is a Story That Demanded to Be a Comic
- An Interview with Best-Selling Science Fiction Author Alastair Reynolds
ソーラーパンクとは何だったのか? 個人的には(元々破滅SFに近い傾向の)Cli-Fiに対応するオプティミスティックなSFの潮流という風な理解だが、結局メジャー(大手SFレーベルや賞レース)に上がってこないのでなんかやってるな、というところで終わってしまうのだよな。